Saturday, August 23, 2008

A week of firsts...

What a week we have had! Summer is officially over...

Tuesday was Alex's first day of kindergarten. He got up with his alarm clock and was ready to go. We had the new lunch box, new shoes, new backpack and we were ready to go. Our plan was to walk to school but with me wanting to get those first day of school pictures we did end up driving. We found a place to park (no easy task with all of the first day of school drivers) and Abby and I walked Alex to his class. We found a spot for his lunch and backpack and went inside. Abby was thrilled to see all of the stuff that they have in the big kids classroom. Alex gave me a big hug and he was on his own. No tears from either of us. That next hour was SO long. Even though he's been in preschool for the last 3 years it was different this time. Knowing that he was in kindergarten just felt different. Fortunately for me I had scheduled one of Abby's firsts for the same day...

Abby's first haircut. Abby has been needing a trim for some time and I scheduled her appointment at Chloe's Carousel to be the same day. We got there and they have a fantastic play area to entertain the little ones before their appointments. Then it was Abby's turn. Tony was adamant that we not cut a lot of her hair and I agree. She was only getting an inch trim just to clean it up. She was great the whole time. Of course she got to pick out a Dora video to watch which definitely helped. She let Lisa wash her hair, trim it and do this beautficul heart braid with lots of jewels and glitter. 3 Days later we are still washing the glitter out. It's always nice to see your child sit still for someone else when they won't do it for you. I took lots of pictures and it was a good thing since the hair was out by nap time.

Mom's first day of quiet nap time and then it was 2 o'clock. Time to wake up Abby and go get Alex. We made sure we were there and waiting when his teacher opened the door-He looks a little relieved that the day is over.

Friday was Abby's first day at preschool. It's really the only school that she has ever known and it's fun for her to now call it "my preschool". She was a little hesitant when we first got there but after a turn on the swings she was ready to do playdoh and play with her friends. So now the kids are both in school and Mom has 2 hours and 55 minutes 3 days a week to get things done: run errands(read: go to the grocery store by myself), scrapbook (get caught up on all of those albums), work on my businesses. It's so hard to believe that we are finally at this point.